11 Random Facts About Me!
1. I love to quilt, but I don't seem to find the time to often. My goal is to make a quilt for each kid this year!
2. I love cats. I have had a cat in my house almost my whole life. My current cat is 14.5 and is the best cat ever!
3. I am the youngest of three kids in my family.
4. My husband has a home office and I love being at home...we only drive our vehicles a few times per week! Sure does save on gas!
5. I live in the same town I went to college in. I say that I came here, went to school, got married, never left! My freshman self would never believe me, but I love it now!
6. I love to type. I think it's just a way of fidgeting, but I love it! I used to typeset in my first job and my fingers would FLY!
7. Speaking of first job, it was at a printing company and I worked as a graphic artist. I did everything from business cards to simple logos to brochures to a local real estate magazine. I loved the deadline and pressure-cooker environment, until I didn't anymore. ;)
8. My next job was an academic advisor at my alma mater. I loved being on campus without the stress of studying and grades!!
9. I have never been to the West Coast or seen the Pacific Ocean...but I want to one day!
10. I love Walt Disney World, even though I was 28 before I took my first trip. I have been back once and am always daydreaming of a trip to plan!
11. I started out as an architecture student and although I switched to Journalism (my eventual degree), I still love architecture books/magazines (I'm looking at you, Dwell!) and designing floor plans in my head.
Here are the 11 questions from Erin!
1. Is your family complete?
I hope not! We are blessed with a daughter and a son, but we would love more kids!
2.What is your go-to weeknight dinner?
Something in the crockpot!! Beef or chicken with some veggies on the side. Both kids love tender protein!3.What was your favourite stage of your child's/children's development?About 18 months...I love seeing the language/communication develop!
4.What is your favourite candy?
I don't really eat a lot of candy...but I keep some dark chocolate on hand for special days!
5.How did you first meet your SO
We went to college together. We got to know each other over an IM program called ICQ! (we're old!)
6.What is your average daily outfit?
Does this mean I have to get dressed?
7.What is your guilty pleasure TV show?
I started watching "Call the Midwife" on Netflix, and you know, I'm not sure if I ever finished all the episodes! Oops!
8.You are childless for half an hour, what do you do?
Take a shower and blow dry my hair.
9.Which of your children's toys do you like to play with the most?
Blocks! or trains.
10.What is your favourite new life-hack?
Does my spiralizer count? I adore slicing veggies with it!
11.What is your favourite kind of muffin and why?
Fruit! Banana or berries, yum!
Is it awful that I'm not in the swing of this blog thing as much as I used to be, and don't follow people regularly? I'm supposed to nominate other mama bloggers...but I don't know any around here! I miss my old blog site but it kind of died out. :( Sad face. Feel free to nominate yourself or comment if you'd like to be nominated, and I'll add you!!
Here are 11 questions for YOU!!
1.What is your favorite kid show to watch with your kid?
2. What is your LEAST favorite kid show to have on?
3. Do you have a smartphone?
4. Do you use Instagram or Facebook more?
5. Do you send snail mail/handwritten notes?
6. Do you use family names for your children?
7. What's something you make so often you don't need a recipe?
8. What is your favorite season?
9. What is your dream vacation?
10. Does your passport have lots of stamps?
11. Cook, driver, maid: which one would you pick if you could have any ONE of them?
Rules are here ladies :